rainforest conservation

Deforestation Effective and systematic law enforcement is essential to keep the Cardamom Rainforest safe and maintain its high level of biodiversity. WCS seeks to establish the feasibility of REDD+, blue carbon, and other nature-based carbon projects in select landscapes where we work. Hover over the amounts to see what your donation can achieve: $25. NYABIHU, Rwanda, Sep 30 2021 (IPS) - Laurent Hategekimana, a villager from Nyabihu, a district from Western Rwanda, recalls the terrible condition of the Gishwati natural forest a few years ago when it was overrun by illegal loggers and invading farmers. In Sierra Leone and Liberia, a new forest conservation initiative is being implemented through a collaborative approach, to save one of West Africa's few remaining tropical forests. Despite its globally-acknowledged importance, unchecked deforestation is taking the Amazon closer to its "tipping point" where it will no longer be able to generate its own rainfall and support its ecosystems. Australian Rainforest Conservation Society Inc PO Box 2111, Milton QLD 4064, Australia telephone: 61 7 3368 1375 email: aila@rainforestaustralia.org.auaila@rainforestaustralia.org.au Rainforest Partnership Home. Impact: For each hectare of forest protected, the threat of deforestation and degradation is removed. Rainforest conservation holidays in 2022 & 2023. . Importance of Forests The Daintree Rainforest is the last surviving relict of Gondwana. Wildlife Alliance's approach has proven successful in maintaining . The crew's island weekends unfold in a series of comedic dramas. Learn More SAVE RESTORE . June 1, 2022. After 15 years of relentless work to stop deforestation, our member countries and the Coalition are fulfilling their promise to bring emissions reductions from the planet's tropical rainforests at a multi-gigaton level. If successful, this experience could become a model for future conservation projects. Without Wildlife Alliance's continued support, the Southern Cardamom tropical rainforest is at risk of clear-cutting to convert the land for agriculture or to be sold to other industries. Conservation efforts Brazilian Forest Code. T.R. Organizational Updates . Conservation. The Purus Project is a payment for ecosystem services forest conservation project, otherwise known as a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) project, protecting approximately 86,000 acres (34,702 hectares) of tropical rainforest. Globally, forests are under threat — large-scale efforts are needed to protect these ecosystems and the many benefits they provide. We believe in taking action and working on the ground in order to tackle biodiversity loss - one of the most pressing issues facing today's society. Our conservation and landscape-level . The main cause of deforestation is agriculture (poorly planned infrastructure is emerging as a big threat too) and the main cause of forest degradation is illegal logging. Wildlife Alliance's approach has proven successful in maintaining . Camp in the rainforest. Keeping our rainforests standing is essential to slowing the climate emergency. Rio de Janeiro's Tijuca National Park has become a . In partnership with Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Join the Pack. If this continues, humanity faces the irrevocable loss of one of the great harbors of biodiversity, fresh water . Conservation concern Tropical forests have the largest living biomass and boast some of the highest . Wells Fargo is the Last of the Big US Banks to Set . Effective and systematic law enforcement is essential to keep the Cardamom Rainforest safe and maintain its high level of biodiversity. The Forest Conservation Fund links companies and consumers with high-impact conservation projects on the forest frontier, moving these forests into better protection and management. Donate. Rainforest Conservation. In the rainforest, trees grow to gigantic size, supported by strong, strut-like buttresses at the base of the trunk that help to stabilize them in shallow forest soils. Our innovative and high-impact model, backed up by 14 years of results, matches the urgency of this moment for the forests, and planet, and our collective future. KRCS members pose outside their head office in Mundemba. This is your chance to get involved in rainforest conservation while learning first-hand what it takes to become a conservationist in one of the wildest . In each case, WCS will commence pilot activities in a small portion of the landscape at the same time as it evaluates the potential for cost-effective generation of verified emissions reductions. From the 1990s through 2004, the Brazilian Forest Code (FC) was the primary and most prolific legal restriction of forest clearing on private lands. Rainforest Trust believes that the simple solution of stopping the destruction of the last remaining rainforests will positively impact species, communities and the planet. Perhaps a less obvious example is rainfall. We investigate to understand coastal species and processes. Ian McAllister's iconic photography is foundational to every book, and through these titles readers can learn about every corner of the Great Bear Rainforest and its creatures. The Harapan Rainforest is managed under a 95-year license by a group of NGOs comprising Burung Indonesia, Birdlife International and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Forest Conservation. But when you do buy, choose companies that donate to environmental causes. You might like to look at our collection of photos of special fauna and other images from Springbrook rainforests. Despite growing international concern, rainforests continue to be destroyed at a pace exceeding 80,000 acres (32,000 hectares) per day. Vision Our 360°Approach to Rainforest Conservation. The Mission of Kids Saving the Rainforest (KSTR), a nonprofit corporation under Section 501(c)3 US Federal Tax ID #06-1594980 is to protect the diverse wildlife of Costa Rica's Pacific Coast by rescuing and rehabilitating wildlife, educating in conservation, conducting original scientific research, training volunteers, and promoting conservation and reforestation. Parron, A.G. Brito, M.T. There is backseat stashing, one jay re-hiding caches when its mate looks away. We protect threatened tropical rainforest habitats in the Peruvian Amazon to conserve and restore the biodiversity of species and ecosystems for the benefit of future generations. Rainforest conservation projects are also successfully assisting in the many park management plans, facilitating in the creation of the protection and . The burden of Conservation and Protection of this prestigious area falls directly onto the shoulders of the landholders. This decade is critical The Climate emergency What are arguments for, or in favor of, deforestation? In the. The team studied how different social groups within . Choose Products That Give Back. that support a healthy, vibrant planet. Many invaders of this natural reserve were local villagers, and Hategekimana, a farmer . Rainforest trees are quite different from trees of temperate forests. Reforestation can be accomplished by nature, by humans or through a combination of the two. We provide a value-added . * excerpted from the book, Drawdown. Romina Bandura, Senior Fellow with the Project on Prosperity and Development testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the topic of "Forest Conservation in the Fight Against Climate Change." Chairman Meeks, Ranking Member McCaul, distinguished members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, good morning. The Amazon is the world's largest rainforest, housing at least 10 percent of global biodiversity and large stocks of carbon. The Forest Investment Program of the Brazilian Forest Service is using a similar mechanism to pay for forest conservation in the Cerrado biome of Brazil and the IPAM CONSERV program will soon pay . The future of forest conservation. The World Mourns the Loss of Two Conservation Icons and Rainforest Trust Board Members A Splash of Hope: Cherry-throated Tanager Gets New Protected Area in Bid to Dodge Extinction Rainforest Trust Announces $500 Million Commitment to Conserving 30% of the Planet by 2030 5 Reasons to Stop What You're Doing and Save Rainforests by Daniele Bragança and Duda Menegassi for ( (o))eco 21 March 2022. $250. . By protecting as additional 335-466 million . Researchers have found that symbolic species could be used for the conservation and community-based management of traditional forest landscapes. You could be involved in rainforest research and data collection in the spectacular Amazon rainforest or help with environmental education in Costa Rica or measuring diversity in Borneo. Tropical cover now stands at 2 billion hectares (7.7 million sq miles), an area about the size of the United States plus China and representing around 13 percent of the world's land surface. The threats manifest themselves in the form of deforestation and forest degradation. CONSERVATION. A new rainforest conservation initiative by developing nations offers great promise to help slow tropical deforestation rates says William Laurance, a leading rainforest biologist from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama, in an article appearing Friday in New Scientist. Building blocks for tropical rainforest conservation include ecotourism and rehabilitation. Teadora, which offers a line of skin care products, works with Rainforest Foundation US to protect 141k hectares of rainforest habitat for multiple endangered species, and to plant more than 1 million trees in an area that is sacred to the Wapichan People. Join us in saving the Amazon while there's still time! I am honored to share my views with you and the Committee Without Wildlife Alliance's continued support, the Southern Cardamom tropical rainforest is at risk of clear-cutting to convert the land for agriculture or to be sold to other industries. They now seek effective participation in the management of the reserve. Agricultural expansion, illegal logging, mining and urbanization continue to drive deforestation around the world. $50. Others gulp three at once, gaping like gluttons. Rainforest conservation projects are working to improve the management and monitor the biodiversity in the forests. Support indigenous peoples on the frontlines of rainforest protection. Covering more than 350,000 hectares, straddling the Liberia and Sierra Leone borders, Gola Forest is the largest remaining block of Upper Guinean Forest.