tractive effort calculation locomotive,pdf

Formula to be used are: 1. One possible technique is piecewise-polynomial approximation – the speed range is split into several contiguous intervals, in each of which the tractive effort is represented by a polynomial function. For the example shown, a good representation can be obtained by using three speed segments, and a linear approximation for tractive effort on each: The Power required to move a train is defined by a simple formula: P=TS/375. This is probably based on the Smith 3-cylinder compound system, where the high-pressure piston "floats" at starting and delivers no force. 2.16 550 2 hpe e 0 n = P = M n e 2e 1000 S hp e = engine-generated horsepower (1 horsepower equals 550 ft … Power Calculations. Tractive effort is the force required to haul a load. The following tractive effort requirements for this type of locomotive are derived in Section 1. Mixed Traffic locomotive (‘Britannia’) are reported in Ref.[5]. The tractive force between a car wheel and the surface can be expressed as. In creep force calculations, the traction distributionis found based on the creepages and then integrated to obtain the resulting force effects: ... locomotive traction with the tractive effort … To do this we will use the maximum tractive effort calculated in equation 9 which was 100 lbs., and the radius of the wheel (1/2 the diameter). Context. of a locomotive. The tractive effort (in pounds) available from a locomotive can be roughly calculated as: Tractive Effort (lbs.) h = Height at which tractive effort is exerted by the bogie on the locomotive body. maximum possible tractive effort. M = Mass of locomotive at the centre of gravity. 1.6 Calculation of Locomotive Tractive Effort The data on the previous pages enables the trac-tive effort required to start and haul a train to be calculated for any particular set of requirements, the example in the box below and overleaf being for a locomotive intended for service on a large garden railway requiring the full equivalent of the Where P is power in horsepower at the rails, T is tractive effort in pounds and S is speed in miles per hour. H = Height of drawbar … The tractive effort (in pounds) available from a locomotive can be roughly calculated as: Tractive Effort (lbs.) = Horsepower X (308) Speed (mph) Where 308 is 82% of 375 lb-miles per hour per hp. For example, a 3000 hp locomotive will have approximately 74,000 lbs. tractive effort at 12.5 mph. 2.6.2 Tractive Force and Adhesion I. I = Bogie wheel centre distance. The maximum tractive force that can be developed at the rail is equal to the weight on drivers multiplied by the adhesion (coefficient of friction) of the wheels on the rail. The primary factors, among others, affecting adhesion are rail condition and speed. Adhesion decreases as speed increases. The inequality (11) presents that mathematically. Indicated Horsepower, Indicated Tractive Effort and Indicated Efficiency) and for … F = traction effort or force acting on the wheel from the surface (N, lb f) Tractive Power’s locomotive is covered by US patent (US 8,561,545,) with further patents pending in the USA and Canada. = Horsepower X (308) Speed (mph) Where 308 is 82% of 375 lb-miles … As, TE = loco weight x adhesion. T = Tractive effort exerted by the motor at each driving axle. Engine-Generated Tractive Effort (F e Power = engine work per unit of time: Eq. For example, a 3000 hp 2.6.2 Tractive Force and Adhesion It is the tractive force at the locomotive driving wheels (drivers) at the rail that starts The cooling system includes a radiator for extracting heat from cooling fluid circulated through the hydrogen fuel cell system and a circulation system . Examine a free body diagram Maximum Tractive Effort L= wheelbase h= height of the center of gravity l f, l r The maximal traction effort of a locomotive (10) should be greater than the sum of the opposite forces (6), otherwise the load forces will brake the locomotive. The tractive effort (in pounds) available from a locomotive can be roughly calculated as: Tractive Effort (lbs.) A cooling system for a hydrogen hybrid locomotive including a set of electric traction motors and a hydrogen fuel cell system for providing electric power for driving the traction motors. T = K1 * K2 * K3 * P * C 2* S / D (Formula 6) where: T = Rated tractive force in pounds. Mixed Traffic locomotive (‘Britannia’) are reported in Ref.[5]. View Mechanics of Train Movement.pdf from NFHVGJ 67575 at KIIT College Of Engineering. Tractive Effort PDF. An ordinary steam locomotive relies upon rotational force or torque developed at the driving wheels produced by the machinery of the locomotive and friction between the driving wheels and the rails to propel it and any cars attached along the track. For a railway to operate efficiently and safely, its locomotives should be powerful enough to accelerate their trains rapidly to the maximum allowed line speed, and the braking systems must be able to bring a train reliably to a standstill at a station or signal, even on an adverse gradient. F = μ t W = μ t m a g (1) where . The higher your speed, the lower your locomotive's tractive effort. The last step is to calculate the axle torque required to generate this tractive effort. L = Bogie centre distance. 1.6 Calculation of Locomotive Tractive Effort The data on the previous pages enables the trac-tive effort required to start and haul a train to be calculated for any particular set of … Tractive effort to haul a passenger train at 75 MPH on level track: 190 grams Tractive effort to haul a passenger train on 1 in 70 + 2.4m curve : 330 grams Tractive effort to haul a freight train at 45 MPH on level track : 270 grams The 5AT Advanced Technology steam locomotive was a conceptual design conceived by the British engineer David Wardale, and first described in his definitive work on modern steam, The Red Devil and Other Tales from the Age of Steam.. Wardale's purpose in putting forward the "Super Class 5 4-6-0" design concept (as he then called it) was to offer a future for steam … This is … Mahesh Kumar Jain May 12, 2013. K1 = 0.785398 K2 = 1.2 K3 = 0.90 P = Maximum boiler … The following tractive effort requirements for this type of locomotive are derived in Section 1. M = Mass of locomotive at the centre of gravity. Sufficient information is provided for a comparison of test data with the predictions of overall performance (e.g. H = Height of drawbar coupling above rail level. The … Tractive effort, acceleration and braking. We now have the speed (rpm) and the required tractive effort. Starting Tractive Effort - is the amount of tractive effort that must be produced by the motive power to start moving a train from a dead stop without slipping the wheels. In creep force calculations, the traction distributionis found based on the creepages and then integrated to obtain the resulting force effects: ... locomotive traction with the tractive effort most significantly limited by adhesion at low speed. The energy consumption estimation of a locomotive for a particular route is important for the selection of a locomotive technology, the improvement of the energy management system, the evaluation of the locomotive’s potential energy generation, among others. The methodologies reported in the literature usually assume that the information of the railway track … rated tractive forceT of a steam locomotive. The higher your speed, the lower your locomotive's tractive effort. For compound locomotives, the usual practice is to calculate the tractive effort developed by the low-pressure cylinders at 80% (instead of 85%) boiler pressure. maximum possible tractive effort. F = traction effort or force acting on the wheel from the surface … Available Tractive Effort Tractive effort determined by: Force of vehicle’s engine Maximum value transferable Maximum Tractive Effort Define the point at which additional engine-generated tractive effort is not productive. = Horsepower X (308) Speed (mph) Where 308 is 82% of 375 lb-miles per hour per hp. Tractive effort, acceleration and braking. This decline is not linear; it happens in an exponential curve. This decline is not linear; it happens in an exponential curve. With this in mind, there are two places we can get tractive effort: Starting Tractive Effort, found in the locomotive data sheet, is the rated tractive effort starting from a standstill in RUN8. The Power required to move a train is defined by a simple formula: P=TS/375. Power Calculations. When the locomotive is in perfect condition and is tested under constant conditions of work—cut-off, speed, load—the test will show higher figures than when the regular road locomotive is tested with a commercial train on an undulated profile and at variable conditions of work. 1. We now have the speed (rpm) and the required tractive effort. The method for calculation of tractive effort required for starting and hauling loads at particular speed, gradient and degree of curvature and also horse power, OHE current calculation is given in the following paragraphs. For a railway to operate efficiently and safely, its locomotives should be powerful enough to accelerate their trains rapidly to the maximum … 2. The tractive force between a car wheel and the surface can be expressed as. T = Tractive effort exerted by the motor at each driving axle. Tractive effort, when multiplied with speed at which the train is required to run, gives the … It may be noted that horsepower isn’t part of the calculation for TE. I = Bogie wheel centre distance. For compound locomotives, the usual practice is to calculate the tractive effort developed by the low-pressure cylinders at 80% (instead of 85%) boiler pressure. the information of the Railways. Tractive effort to haul a passenger train at 75 MPH on level track: 190 grams Tractive effort … L = Bogie centre distance. F = μ t W = μ t m a g (1) where . (PDF) Calculation of the Traction Effort of Switching Locomotive Context. The last step is to calculate the axle torque required to generate this tractive effort. The method for calculation of tractive effort required for starting and hauling loads at particular speed, gradient and degree of curvature and also horse power, … When the locomotive is in perfect condition and is tested under constant conditions of work—cut-off, speed, load—the test will show higher figures than … Fmax,wet > Fload (11) The calculations of the traction effort for a different road With this in mind, there are two places we can get tractive … The maximal traction effort of a locomotive (10) should be greater than the sum of the opposite forces (6), otherwise the load forces will brake the locomotive. the information of the Railways. The methodology and the various formula adopted are also given. Whatever may be source or principle of working of traction motor, all provide Tractive effort characteristics to encounter train resistance and provide acceleration. AB This is constant tractive effort line generally up to a speed of 30-50kmph. Point B is the maximum power point. Where P is power in horsepower at the rails, T is tractive effort in pounds and S is … of a locomotive. Sufficient information is provided for a comparison of test data with the predictions of overall performance (e.g. To do this we will use the maximum … The propelling force developed is generally referred to as tractive force or tractive effort. Indicated …

tractive effort calculation locomotive,pdf